NMI President – Sharla Sibernagle

What Is the World Evangelism Fund?
What Is the World Evangelism Fund?
The World Evangelism Fund is the cooperative genius of the mission enterprise of the Church of the Nazarene. It is based on the concept that we can do more working together than could ever be done working alone.
Why do we have World Evangelism Fund?
Missions in the Church of the Nazarene is a large enterprise. To accomplish the Great Commission—spreading the gospel and the message of holiness around the world—requires money.
In “faith-based” missions, missionaries must spend valuable time raising financial support. They conduct services, take offerings, receive pledges of support, and then pray the amount raised covers living expenses. Sometimes if the money runs out, missionaries are forced to return home.
In this type of support, churches do not always share equally in the mission work. Larger churches are sometimes visited by more missionaries than they could possibly help, while some smaller churches are overlooked.
The World Evangelism Fund was created to allow missionaries to work more effectively and to encourage all churches to support missions
The World Evangelism Fund goes directly toward accomplishing the mission of the Church of the Nazarene, to make Christlike disciples in the nations. The World Evangelism Fund is the funding that operates the Church of the Nazarene and its entire mission effort, from the operation of the Global Ministry Center to districts and churches around the world.